You don’t have to learn how to scuba dive to enjoy the incredible underwater life surrounding Curacao. There is a lot to discover just a few feet below sea level. You can snorkel at just about any beach in Curacao. So what are the best snorkeling spots in Curacao?

The information below is a result of countless snorkeling sessions at a lot of different spots around Curacao.

Tips where to snorkel

– The less busy the beach, the fewer damage humans did to the coral
– Stay between the coast and the ‘drop-off’ (dark blue line)
– Swimming 100 yards further may find you an incredible spot
– Stay close to the rocks
– There is hardly ever strong current, but always be careful!

Best Snorkeling Spots in Curacao

– Tugboat on the Caracasbaai Peninsula
Klein Curacao (go to the far right of the island)
– Cas Abou (on the left and right side close to the rocks)
– Playa Piskado in Westpunt (cleaning of the fish attracts turtles)
– Portomarie (they do a lot to preserve underwater life)
– Discover! Go off the beaten path and find your own personal favorite



Tips to get you more relaxed

– Buy good goggles at one of the many scuba dive stores, you will see a lot more under water
– Get the gear on the first day of your vacation, you won’t regret it
– Wear fins so you feel (and are) more in control
– Take your time, make slow and relaxed movements (and keeps you from scaring the fish away)
– Don’t touch anything. You will not only damage coral or scare fish, but you might also hurt yourself

List of sea life in the video

(in order of appearance)
– Green Turtle
– Smooth Trunkfish
– Smallmouth Grunt
– Peacock Flounder
– Spotted Scorpionfish
– Goldentail Moray
– Whitespotted Filefish
– Trumpetfish
– Spotted Burrfish
– Sharptail Eel
– Striped Parrotfish
– Yellowtail snapper
– Ocean Triggerfish
– Ocean Surgeonfish
– Bar Jack

The footage in the video was shot at Cas Abou, Klein Curacao, and Playa Piskado during 4 snorkeling sessions.

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